Few weeks ago we had the internet action, that was held to cover the issue of Roj TV trial. Some activists appealed to all good will people, Kurds and friends of Kurds, to send email expressing one's opinion about the trial in question. I join the action and compose my email, which i sent at the beginning of October. As the trial still continues, I would like to encourage all people to show their concern about it and express their point of view in emails - that are supposed to be sent to: um@um.dk and jm@jm.dk.
Its very important to break the silence and speak up to the world. We all need to make the world to hear our voice. We all need to make the world not only to hear us, but first of all to listen to us. Every single pro Kurdish word is important.
Don't hesitate to express yourself, your opinion, your desires, your point of view and even your dream about Kurdistan. We can't be silent any longer, we have to unify our effort to pay world's attention to our cause. Write to United Nations, to US Administration and President, to Human Rights organization and to any other institutions, that should pay its attention to our problems. The world can't ignore the voice of 40 million people. Every letter, every email that you will decide to send, will bring Kurdistan a step closer to freedom and independence. You don't have to be famous, you don't have to be well known activist to take part in a process which will bring freedom. If you are Kurd or a friend of Kurds - it means you are important enough and you can help.
At the moment we have a lot of problems, that should be noticed by the International Community - we have not only Roj TV trial, but also illegal use of chemical weapon against Kurds by Turkey,
detention and imprisonment of Kurdish activists, politicians, intellectuals by Turkish authority, executions of young Kurdish activists by Iranian government and many others that for sure you are aware of. Express your concern, write the letter to the World, take part in action "The letter for Kurdistan".
Below is the email, that I sent in support of Roj TV. I cherish the deep hope that you will follow this example and join me and others to achieve our goal and to fulfill our dreams - to see independent Kurdistan on the world's map.
On Roj TV Trial,
As a member of Kurdish community I would like to pay your attention to the fact that the current trial of Kurdish TV station - Roj TV is nothing more but the another tool for Turkish State to oppress Kurds and commit cultural genocide against us. If anyone will take a closer look at our case in Turkish State soon must see what is our reality and our situation in there. For many years Kurds in Turkey are the subject of prosecutions, oppression and mistreatment only because of one reason - because of nationality. Kurds in Turkey are denied the basic human rights, like the right to use mother language, the right to express their identity, the freedom of speech and - in many cases also the right to live, as Kurds are being killed on daily bases by Turkish authorities.
Everything which is connected with Kurds and Kurdistan is considered by Turkey to be "terrorism", while the truth is exactly opposite. All the steps and actions that Turkish authorities undertake against Kurds can be easy classified as the acts of terrorism, including imprisonment of Kurdish politicians (and also Kurdish children for political reasons), beating and killing people on the streets while they celebrate their holidays or taking part in peaceful assembly or demonstration, bombarding the territory of sovereign country which is not in a war with Turkey and a lot of others, that among these are the trial of Kurdish TV station.
Turkish policy of calling Kurdish freedom movement for defending human rights of Kurdish people "terrorism" is the mean to justify Turkish campaign against Kurds, which is to result in totally assimilation of Kurds and extermination of every single thing which might be connected with Kurds, Kurdistan, its culture and tradition. The lack of official definition of "terrorism" makes the case more difficult to judge, but even if we look at this term as its commonly understood, we should ask ourselves the question: doesn't it cover Kurdish people's struggle for their right and further the activity of Roj TV in supporting this struggle?
As Bruce Hoffman has noted: "terrorism is a pejorative term. It is a word with intrinsically negative connotations that is generally applied to one's enemies and opponents, or to those with whom one disagrees and would otherwise prefer to ignore. (...) Hence the decision to call someone or label some organization 'terrorist' becomes almost unavoidably subjective, depending largely on whether one sympathizes with or opposes the person/group/cause concerned. If one identifies with the victim of the violence, for example, then the act is terrorism. If, however, one identifies with the perpetrator, the violent act is regarded in a more sympathetic, if not positive (or, at the worst, an ambivalent) light; and it is not terrorism." For this and for political reasons, many news sources (such as Reuters) avoid using this term, opting instead for less accusatory words like "bombers", "militants" (Wikipedia)
We all consider the trial of Roj TV as the support of unfair and illegal action of Turkish authorities against Kurds and as breaking the freedom of media, which is one of the human rights.
Also we all hope that justice will come up and will win over the prejudice and racist attitude toward us, Kurds.
The text was published in ekurd.net: http://www.ekurd.net/mismas/articles/misc2011/11/turkey3574.htm
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