For sure a lot of people around the world don't know anything about Kurdistan and Kurdish Nation, as well as about the horrible reality in which Kurds have to live every day in North Kurdistan - the part of the Kurdish land which is within official Turkish boarders and under Turkish government control. A lot of people, specially European citizens, choose Turkey as their holiday destination. These people usually are not aware what is really going on up there. All that they know is the natural beauty of Turkish summer resorts and tourists sites. But we, Kurdish People, know that it's not the real face of Turkey. We, Kurdish People, know better than anyone else that brilliant image of Turkish holiday resorts is nothing but the mask which hide the real face of terrorist Turkish state.
If any of those tourists would go to Kurdish area, to such Kurdish cities as Wan (Van), Amed (Diyarbakir), Elih (Batman), Colemerg (Hakkari) - they would have a chance to see the reality, to see the policy of Turkish authorities toward Kurdish People - oppression, persecution, arresting, torturing and killings on everyday bases.
Thousands of tourists have great time on their holiday in Turkey every season - at the same time, not so far from summer resorts, thousands Kurds have hard time to live their every day life under Turkish terror. A lot of Kurds have hard time trying to survive as Kurds under Turkish occupation. A lot of Kurds are losing their lives for being Kurds, while in the neighbourhood the summer party is ongoing.
Would all those tourists still choose Turkey for the holiday if they knew all the truth about Turkey? Would they reach into their pockets and spend money in Turkey if they knew that in fact they are sponsoring Turkish policy of oppression toward Kurds?
How can we make people aware then? Well, one of my idea, which came to my head few weeks ago, was to make a kind of leaflet which would tell about that issue. As a result of that idea I made a project and created a picture, which can be used as a leaflet or as a poster in bigger size. My idea is also to print some copies of that picture and distribute them into people's houses in my city. I would like other people who care about oppressed Kurds to do the same - make copies of the leaflet and distribute them in the area where they live.
Lets all join our effort to make people aware that there a lot of places all over the world to go for holiday, but if they will choose Turkey - their choice will mean more death sentences to Kurds and the money that they will spend on their holiday will be used by Turkish government to oppress and genocide Kurdish Nation.
Do you go for holiday to Turkey? Do you buy Turkish goods? So you have to know that your money means more bloodshed of Kurdish People. Only you can decide where your money will go to. Only you can decide if you want to take part in constant genocide of Kurds in North Kurdistan territory under Turkish control. Ask yourself if you really want to support terrorism of Turkish authority toward Kurds. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
The article published for ekurd.net
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