Kurdistan used to be a place where Kurds experienced oppression and violation of basic human rights. Till today a huge part of Kurdistan, remaining within other states boarders and under their control, is subjected to a number of case like that. South part of the country - Kurdistan Autonomous Region - although not fully independent, is now a place where Kurds have the right to self determination and are free to practice their culture, speak their language, preserved their identity. But can all Kurds in Kurdistan Region feel safe and enjoy their full rights?
Last Monday, 12 December 2011 - in the week of International Human Rights Day, there was a meeting in Houses of Commons, UK Parliament in London to discuss that important issue. The meeting was organized "Chatri Azadi" ("Freedom Umbrella" - the group of Kurdish activists based in UK), and hosted by British Labour MP John McDonnell, who is supporting Kurdish cause for a long time and who was the main speaker of the meeting. We have the honor to listen to the speeches of two guests, who came all the way from Kurdistan - Mr. Asos Hardi, the journalist from "Awena" newspaper and Mr. Bashdar Ali, journalist and brother of journalist Sardasht Osman, who was murdered last year because of his critical articles on Kurdistan authorities, as well as the speeches of Ms. Houzan Mahmoud, women's right activist and Mr. Mufid Abdulla, the chief of "The Kurdistan Tribune".
The speakers focused mainly on two aspects of human rights in South Kurdistan, that is the freedom of speech, expression and media, and the rights of women. The meeting's purpose was to cover the issue of violation of these rights and searching for the solution to that problem. All speakers agreed that certain human rights are broken in Kurdistan Autonomous Region, cited the reports, which proved that fact as well as the examples from their own experience. The freedom of speech and expression, and the freedom of women are being violating in South Kurdistan and that fact is unacceptable if Kurdistan is to be considered as free and democratic country. Mr. McDonnell concluded that there is no democracy if there is no freedom of press and expression.
We also watched the short video document, showing the examples of human rights violation, including the incidents that took place on 17th February this year, when government forces used the weapon against the demonstrators in Kurdish city Sulaimaniy.
At the end of the meeting Ms. Gona Saeed, who run the meeting, read the Statement of "Freedom Umbrella", thats covers the basic human rights, such as the freedom of expression in public and political life, freedom of demonstrations and peaceful assembles, the equal rights for women in social and public life and the freedom of practicing these rights with no consequences such as beating, torturing or arresting. The public was asked to rise the hands for support of that Statement and huge majority of the meeting participants agreed with the Statement and rise their hands.
We all hope that this meeting as well as any further ones will result in bringing Kurdistan closer to the true democracy and will make it a place where all citizens will feel free to express their opinions and views, and will not be persecuted for that. A place where women will have equal rights in all aspects of public and private life and will not experience the violence against them.

Statement of rights and freedoms of people in Iraqi Kurdistan
Freedom Umbrella is an action group strive to protect the human rights and freedoms of people in Kurdistan. On the Human Rights Day 2011, Freedom Umbrella pronounces the following fundamental freedoms and rights as the “Freedom declaration” to challenge the authorities in Kurdistan that deprives people from their personal and political freedoms and rights. Meanwhile the group will make every effort to gain solidarity and support from UK as well as the International community to protect the following rights:
1. Freedom of thought , expression , writing , publishing and printing are fundamental rights to all people in Iraqi Kurdistan , no one should be subjected to torture, to cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment for exercising these rights.
2. Freedom of political activism, expressing political believes and taking opposition political stands individually or as part of a political organization are fundamental human rights for people in Kurdistan. No one should be subjected to torture, to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment because of their affiliation to a party, political, social or mass associations.
3. Freedom of demonstration, Rights to peaceful assembly, freedom of association and freedom of participation in general strikes are fundamental rights of all individuals. No one should be subjected to torture, to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment for exercising these rights. The elimination of the so called current “organizing demonstrations” law.
4. The elimination of any militia and armed forces that are above the law and are found specifically to oppress demonstrations and people’s assembly. Settling political conflicts between political parties with armed forces and weapons should be prohibited.
5. Equal personal, social and political rights for men and women. Equal opportunities in employment, equal pay and equality in family. Subjecting women to any pressure or violence because of exercising their personal freedoms and rights are prohibited. The abolishment of all discriminatory laws that contradicts equality between men and women.
6. Freedom of believe or non-believe of any religion is a basic human right for all individual. Any provocation of violence or interference of religious believes in people’s personal, social and political lives should be prohibited and outlawed.
7. Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty. No one should be arrested for more than 24 hours. Tortures, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in prisons are prohibited. Courts and tribunals should be independent and impartial.
Freedom Umbrella – London 12.12.2011
The article was published in ekurd.net: http://www.ekurd.net/mismas/articles/misc2011/12/state5682.htm
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