Dear Sir/Lady,
Whoever had a chance to visit South Kurdistan, which is widely known as Kurdistan Autonomous Region (or KRG), for sure had to notice the colourful flag waving all over the territory. This flag is the symbol of Kurdistan – the country of Kurdish people, of the world's biggest nation, which is still stateless, as the result Lousanne Treaty in 1923, when all the hopes for the own country promised 3 years before in Sevres Treaty were destroyed and the territory of Kurdistan were divided into pieces and given under four other countries control. Moreover – once given under such an occupation, Kurds were subjected to unbelievable oppressions and persecutions as the consequence of savage policy toward Kurdish nation.
Despite the fact that all hopes of Kurds to have our own country were destroyed – Kurdish identity and all other elements that constitute Kurdayati (Kurdishness), as language, culture, customs, life style, still endure. Among these, one thing was not destroyed – the great desire for independence in every Kurdish heart.
After many years of oppression and heroic struggle to retain the existence of Kurdish nation and Kurdish culture, one part of Kurdish land finally gained autonomy and the right to self-determination. This part, called by Kurdish people Bashuri Kurdistan (South Kurdistan), once being freed from Iraqi dominance, established its own authority – the President, the Government, the Parliament and the law. As it was mentioned above, Kurdistan Region also have its own unique flag, proudly waving in great number of places all over autonomous territory.
Unfortunately this flag is not officially recognized in the world of politics, as well as by UN. When KRG leader, President M. Barzani (or any other person, who represents KRG) is on official visit to any foreign country, in most cases there is no Kurdistan flag by his side. That may looks like the President of Kurdistan Region visits other country's officials in private and does not represents his country and his nation. Sometimes we can even see the foreign flag by our President side – specially during his visits to one of the states, that keep parts of Kurdistan within their borders and under their control. Such a situation is unacceptable for us, as for Kurdish nation and is seen as disrespect for us as well as for our leader, who represents us.
We have full right to demand our flag to be recognized internationally as a symbol of our nation, even if our country is still not independent. The fact that Kurdistan as an independent country can not be seen on the world's map – does not mean that Kurdish nation does not exists. Our flag not only represents our occupied country, but first of all represents the people, Kurdish nation and its identity.
All over the world there are flags, which are the symbols of not only the countries, but also particular groups of people. Different organizations, political parties or even football clubs have their own flags and they are free to use them to represent themselves. We are a large group of people that constitutes Kurdish nation and we do have our flag, which is our symbol. But our right to use this flag to represent us on international arena is broken. We ask, we demand and we expect the certain steps to be undertake to recognize our flag internationally and establish our right to use this flag.
We hope to get support for that issue as it may help us in our further efforts to gain independence.
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